Trekking to Angel Falls

I’m finally putting online some of my old trip videos from the early 2000’s. This one is my trip to Angel Falls in 2005.

This was a two day trip starting from Canaima, which itself is a long way into the hinterland of Venezuela and required a light aircraft flight from Ciudad Bolivar and overnight stay to get to. Once in Canaima, I stayed overnight in the small village and then we embarked on the trek the next morning. The motorised canoe journey took most of the day to get to the base camp, where food was cooked over an open fire and we all slept in hammocks for the night. The next morning, we got up early, had breakfast, and then set out to trek up to the falls. This was not a particularly hard trek, lasting just over a couple of hours on moderate terrain through the forest. Once there we were able to swim in the pool below the falls and explore a little around the parque. We then returned to base camp and took the motorised canoe down river (quicker than up) to return to Canaima and a return flight to Ciudad Bolivar.


About Quentin

Im just a normal bloke.
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